Saturday, October 31, 2009

Children Soldiers

According to an article I found called "Darfur: 6,000 Children Soldier", about 8,000 children soldiers are in Sudan and 6,000 of them are in the region of Darfur. The Darfur crisis is effecting approximately two million children. Most of these kids that have been seen with the Armed Forces are between the ages of 15-17 years old. The International community and the Sudanese law considers adult hood at the age of 18. Some cultures in the other hand kids are considered to be adults when they hit puberty. The 700,000 children in Darfur were born after 2004 have been living their life in war zone.
I believe that these kids are more likely to join the military at a young age because they have not learned anything but war. The children of the genorations after 2004 are in great danger of beeing wiped out. Their parents are getting killed and they might get killed as well, if they join the arm forces in Western Sudan or anywhere in Sudan. These kids in Darfur are not the only ones joining the Arm forces but in other parts of Africa as well. Not all kids who join the Arm forces are carrying a gun but they are beside them.

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